Infertility doesn't have to be the end of your dreams - let us help you achieve them."

Smoking, consumption of alcohol and drug use (even recreational) can cause a serious negative impact on the fertility of both men and women. Smoking causes the small blood vessels supplying the testes and ovaries to shrink and thus causes failure of both these organs. Moreover it causes DNA damage in sperms and oocytes such that the resulting embryo would be genetically abnormal. Alcohol consumption and drug use (on a regular basis) causes suppression of the endocrine system that finally results in low libido, sperm count and motility in men and low libido, amenorrhea and anovulation in women.

Diet- something that has revolutionized our way of life in recent times. With the focus now on ease of availability/cooking we are flooded with preserved foods, half cooked and frozen foods etc. all of which have subclinical, small but significant effects on our molecular processes. The best way to avoid these is to have home cooked, fresh food as much possible, reduce intake of processed, junk and fast food. Prefer vegetarian over non vegetarian, and boiled/steamed food over fried foods. Avoid sweetened, baked goods and carbonated drinks.

Sedentary way of life- being active physically is one of the best medicines available for most if not all our problems! Make sure you move physically on a regular basis, not only for recreation but also at high intensity with a fitness goal in mind. Increasing our stamina and endurance is the biggest and best gift we give ourselves.

Hot showers, steam baths/ saunas etc are said to reduce sperm counts and motility by increasing the ambient temperature around the testes, working on the laptop while it is on your lap, keeping your cellphone in your front pant pocket, tight undergarments also causes the same effect.